Saturday, 24 July 2010

Dear blogger, please forgive me for I have sinned.

Dear blogger it's been 1 year since my last blog post! Crikey!

Well I have been rather busy with projects such as the product design project, waterproof car key case for Keebunga and the Frontier Stove sustainable product design project that is distributed to areas of natural disaster by Shelterbox. We've also been working on a couple of fun projects, designing games and toys... how cool is that?

Well I've made myself a promise to blog at least once a week. I'll continue the popular inventors themed thread "I've got an idea... it's gonna make millions" and carry on venting my spleen in the "you know what really grinds my gears" courtesy of Peter Griffin.

Watch this space as they say.

by the way... anyone know who 'THEY' are?

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I'm always starting blogs and letting them fall by the wayside. I should have learnt this from my annual diaries that mostly end on January 5th.

    I've just ended up decided to blog once a month about what design related thing I have been up to that month. It has made it a lot simpler for me.
